Thursday, March 31, 2011

Without Further Adieu....

....we would like to introduce you to: Wee Weber Number Two!!!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is our pleasure to introduce you to Ms. Natalie Jeanne (pronounced 'Jean') Weber the First.

Natalie was born on March 4, 2011 at 12:18 p.m. She was a healthy 7 lbs. 4 ounces, 19.5" long and was full of surprises from the get-go. SHE WAS BREECH! Yep! Our little dumplin decided to come into this world feet first rather than the traditional head-first approach. No big deal considering that her birth was a scheduled C-Section anyway. We just got a kick out of the fact that Natalie decided to be unique right from the start.

Speaking of starts: in addition to being breech, our second daughter's arrival began rather unconventionally. Big Sister Norah was still recovering from RSV (a rather nasty little bug that is really hard on the respitory system of toddlers but can be fatal in infants), so she was not allowed to visit her little sister in the hospital like most siblings do. Also, the day that J & Natalie were discharged and came home, Norah spiked a fever and developed a nasty cough.

Fearing that whatever nasty little buggers that had invaded Norah's body would come and attack the fledgling immune system of 3-Day old Natalie, Mommy and Daddy kept them completely separate from one another (quite a feat in a tiny little house) quickly moving to man-to-man defense with Dan staying in with Norah and tending to her and J breastfeeding and tending to Natalie.

By 11:30 p.m. that night, the new parents of two were just slightly overtired and overwhelmed tending to one sick toddler and one newborn. J was, after all, recovering from a C-Section, and in need of some assistance herself. Reinforcements had to be called in. And so, Grandma Weber was notified and came in straight away.

One long night of sickness, breastfeeding, baby-rocking and pain management later, it was time to take Natalie to her first Wellness appointment at her pediatricians office. Since J was not able to drive and Dan was still taking care of poor little Norah, Grandma Weber drove J & Natalie to the doctor.

Natalie was healthy as a horse (an appropriate description because she was eating like a small Shetland Pony). She had gained back, and surpassed her birth weight and was doing just fine. The same could not be said for her older sister.

The moment we pulled back in to the driveway, we were met by Dan who informed us to just pack a bag for Natalie and get over to Grandma's house because Norah was now vomiting. We did just that, and Mommy and Natalie spent their first few days out of the hospital with Grandma and Poppy whilst Daddy spent his paternity leave tending to Norah. It wasn't exactly your run-of-the-mill situation, but we made do and came through it relatively unscathed.

So, it is exactly 27 days later, and it's safe to say that life at The Weber Inn has been altered, for the better, yet again. We've now got two beautiful miracles to raise, teach and learn from every day. These two miracles are each unique and awe inspiring. We are truly, TRULY blessed to be the parents of Norah and Natalie Weber.

Enjoy pictures from Natalie's birth. We have many more stories and images to share, and will do so in subsequent posts.