Thursday, August 13, 2009

Are You Ready for Some FOOTBALL!?!?!?!

We know that Norah is! As you all know, Mamma Weber is a HUGE football fan and an even BIGGER Pittsburgh Steelers fan. And, even though Daddy's team, the Cincinnati Bengals, have been less than successful in the past ....well....Decade or two, we give him credit for being a tried-and-true fan (and for being a good sport and putting up with pictures like these)

The first picture was taken on 2/1/09, Superbowl Sunday, just 24 hours after Norah was born. We were still in the hospital, and Mommy was just a tad bit doped up on pain medication, but Norah got to help cheer the Steelers on to their 6th Superbowl victory.

The second picture was taken today, 8/13/09, at the start of the '09-'10 NFL pre-season. You may recognize the cheerleading outfit from a previous post from Oct. '08; it was a gift from Norah's Godmother, Cindy. Norah was still cozy in the womb as Mommy draped it over her belly. And, now, less than a year later, our little Cheerleader is sitting up and fitting in it nicely. How time flies!

So, let's all sit back, relax and get ready for some FOOTBALL!

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