Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mea Culpa. Mea Culpa.

Okay. So, just a teensy bit of time has passed since we posted any pictures or updates of our (not so) WeeWeber. C'mon, though! Give us a break. So it's been 5 months! We've been busy, Okay. We've been VERY BUSY. Busy walking. Busy playing. Busy talking. Busy exploring. Busy watching our beautiful daughter grow up in front of our very eyes!

In fact, Ms. Norah Belle has been doing so much growing up since her first birthday, that it would be virtually impossible to sum it all up in one post. We'll just let the pictures ( a few from every month we've NOT posted) do the talking this time around and PROMISE to be more diligent when it comes to updating you all on the Life and Times of Norah Lee Weber the First.

So, cut us a break already. We said we're sorry! We'll do better. Mea Culpa. Mea Culpa! :-)

1 comment:

Triomom said...

Beautiful picture of mom and norah with her sunglasses on. Oh yes, and if I can find time to post a blog update from time to time, well...nevermind. ;-)