Friday, February 6, 2009

JC & Dan are Proud to Present....

...Ms. Norah Lee Weber (the First :-)! Our little Norah was brought into this world via C-Section by the best group of Dr's EVER at 1:57 p.m. on 1/31/09. She was a healthy 6 lbs. 15 ozs. and was 20.25 inches long. She has gray-blue eyes, a head of blondish-brown hair and is the spitting image of her Daddy (although, she does have Mommy's nose :-).

Mommy and baby were released from the hospital on 2/3/09 and the entire family is doing well and getting to know each other back at home.

To say that our new little bundle of joy is the greatest blessing in the world would be the biggest understatement of all time. Norah is just six days old and, in that short amount of time, she has changed our lives, for the better, for all time. She is truly our little angel. Even her cries are the sweetest sound ever heard.

Our nights are longer. Our sleep periods are shorter. And our lives are better than ever before.

We will continue to keep you all updated on the progress of our little girl, so please keep checking the blog regularly. Until then, please enjoy some pictures from Norah's first week of life.

Much love to all of you,
Dan, JC & Norah Weber


Courtney Craig said...

Welcome our little niece! We're so happy to have you here! Love, Uncle Matt & Aunt Courtney

Unknown said...

The two of you (parents) look so happy and Norah looks so at peace. Sleeping babies are wonderful! Get as much rest as you can--remember that cleaning, dishes, laundry, can always wait--sleep when Norah does and enjoy her when she is awake. Dirt is always with us! Love to the three of you.
Aunt Susan and Uncle Don (Great-Aunt and Great-Uncle,also).

Cindy said...

She is positively the most beautiful angel I have ever seen, I am so proud of you JC I have no doubt that you will be the most wonderful and loving mother in the world. And you can tell from the pictures of Dan that he is going to be just as amazing as a father. Norah Lee Weber has the most amazing and wonderful parents! Can't wait to visit.