Sunday, May 3, 2009

Catchin' Some Zzzzzzzz's

You've all seen the pictures we've posted of our cute little Norah, and you may have noticed that she's sleeping in many of them. What you have not seen are pictures of Norah Belle swaddled up nicely resting in her crib at night. That's because, up until, about a week ago, Mommy and Daddy were still being awakened each night anywhere from about 2:30-4:00 a.m. to the sounds of 'hunger and change-me cries'.

Now, all of a sudden, Norah has decided to let Mom and Dad get some more shut eye during the night; and catch some more Zzzzzz's herself. Our little angel has been going to bed consistently at around 9-9:30 and sleeping until around 5:30-6:00 a.m. Last night, she went down at 9:00 and made it until 7:00 a.m.!!!!!!!!!

Don't get us wrong, Norah's night-time sleeping habits have never really been that bad, but it sure is a nice change to get a few more hours of un-interrupted sleep each evening.

We pray it lasts!

Hope all is well with each of you,

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