Monday, June 15, 2009

Rollin' Rollin' Rolin'

Hello, All. First, let's begin with the details: Norah had her 4 1/2 month check up today and here are the stats: Weight: 14.2 lbs (still so petite). Length: 25". Head Circumference: 41 cm. Our little one is just growing, growing, growing. She had her 2nd round of shots today and, even though there were a few crocodile tears, Norah took it like a brave little girl!

All of this growing is going to require more energy. So, the Dr. has given Mom and Dad the green light to start Ms. Norah on rice cereal and then work our way up through the food chain (pureed fruits, veggies etc...). We're going to take it slow and begin w/ some very small, VERY soupy helpings of yummy rice cereal next weekend.

The energy that Norah gets from her food is going to fuel her to continue to engage in all of the fun activities that she's been taking part in...LIKE ROLLING OVER! That's right. Our little Norah has discovered how to roll from tummy to back and is even starting to roll from back to tummy in her sleep. Imagine Mommy's surprise this morning when she went in to wake Norah up and found her on her belly instead of her back! It's gonna be a whole new world of movement now.

In addition to all of this new-found movement, Norah has been able to spend some really good QT with friends and family. Her favorite playmate, by far, is Grandpa. Oh! How Grandpa can make Norah laugh. She just loves to study him and play with him.

Enjoy the pictures. Hope you're all well.



Unknown said...

Crocodile tears, huh? On whose part--yours or Norah's?

We're looking forward to seeing you and meeting Norah for the first time. We leave Sunday for our trek to Gettysburg and then back your way. We'll be in touch.

Unknown said...

My first father's day. I couldn't be a happier man. I thank God every day for my wife and my beautiful little girl. Thanks for being everything to me.