Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Family, Firsts & Fireworks on the Fourth Far, Far Away

The 4th of July Weekend saw many firsts for Norah Belle. On July 1st, D & J packed up the car complete with trailer hitch carrying a bush-hog and baby stroller, canvas tarp carrying luggage and baby exersaucer and cab carrying doggy, baby and Mommy and Daddy and headed on down to the family cabin in Lake Toxaway, NC.

The Webers left at 8 p.m. and drove through the night so as not to disturb Norah's sleeping schedule. This was a very good decision made by Mommy and Daddy because our little princess did just that....slept. She stirred once during a gas stop in Knoxville, TN and promptly went back to sleep until we arrived at around 3:00 a.m. Our good friends Todd, Sarah and 3 yr. old Aeden met up at the cabin at around 4:30 a.m and the fun began!

Norah had her first hike strapped on Mommy's belly whilst meeting up w/ Daddy and Todd at a fishing spot, sported her bathing suit for the first time and sat in the baby pool Mommy and Daddy got, laid in the grass and dipped her footsies in a creek for the first time.

Norah also got her first taste of fireworks on the 4th of July. The Webers took Little Ms Belle to Brevard, NC to watch a fireworks show. Well, lets just say that the combination of a long day, long night and loud noises were enough to send Norah into hysterics throughout the entire show. Norah howled. She positively howled the entire time to the point of hyperventilation. The only time she stopped was when a particularly bright firework went off. Actually, it was kind of cute. It's touching to see a little one experience something with such intensity. Heck, the 4th of July will probably be one of Norah's favorite holidays one day. :-)

Aeden and the folks had a good time, too. We played catch in the yard, shucked corn, played with Angus (who loves it down there because he can be off leash), watched movies, shopped in Highlands and went out to dinner. All in all, it was a great 1st vacation with our daughter.

Check out the great pics from the trip along w/ some cute ones w/ Grandma and Grandpa.

Until next time,
J & D

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