Saturday, September 5, 2009

Norah's Old Man Turns One Year Older

Yesterday, September 4th 2009, started out like any other day has started since we have been on vacation. Norah's little peepers opened up around 7 a.m. J got up and made the coffee and then changed and fed the baby. Nice. Relaxing. There was just one teensy-tinsy difference in yesterday....It was Dan's 31st birthday! And Norah knew it, too.

After helping Mommy make a big sign for Daddy, Norah helped Daddy open cards. Then, it was off to Panera to grab breakfast and get back to the condo as soon as possible for our morning swim (a new tradition for the Webers). Norah's morning nap usually follows swim-time, but not on Daddy's birthday. Our little princess was too excited to sleep more than 40 minutes because she didn't want to miss a minute w/ her ol' man on his big day.

Try as we did, Norah just wasn't going to take her usual 1.5 to 2 hour nap, so we abandoned all efforts and headed off to St. Armand's Circle for some Conch Fritters and shopping.

A quick note about Conch Fritters: J & D discovered the BEST conch fritters in the world at this little Cuban restaurant a few years ago and have come back every year since. They are delightfully, sinfully delicious and we revel in the chance to have them.

It didn't take long for Norah's lack of morning nap time to catch up with her. She conked out a few minutes after we got in the car and slept through the entire lunch.

She did wake up, however, to do a little shopping. Mommy gave Daddy free reign of her credit card in Daddy's favorite tobacco shop so that he could buy some cigars for his birthday. Mommy and Daddy also stopped by a little wine shop that they love and bought two bottles of a new blend: Kiwi Wine (tastes a lot like Pinot Grigio).

The day was capped off by surf and turf and cards on the deck. Hey! Norah's Old Man ain't no Spring Chicken anymore. What did you expect? Clubbing until 2 a.m?!?! :-)

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