Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Returning to the Scene of the Crime

You all remember that terrible occasion. You know you do. It is one of those rare events, not unlike Pearl Harbor or the JFK assassination, that occurs and is permanently etched in the memories of anyone who witnessed and/or heard about it. It was an infamous event. It was an historical event. It was.....THE GREAT LLAMA SPITTING INCIDENT OF 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you who need your memories refreshed (as some of you have no doubt pushed this terrible day back into the murky recesses of your minds in the hopes of forgetting it forever: D & J took then 10-month old Norah to Windmill Farms for a fun-filled day of romping about the pumpkins and visiting with all of the farm animals. And, we were doing just that....until we got to the llama pen, that is.

J was wearing Norah in the baby-sling so that the WeeOne could get up close and personal with all of her new furry and feathered friends when she got just a teensy bit too close to a rather perturbed Peruvian playmate. As the llama slowly crept closer and closer to Norah, J noticed its ears laying back and its cheeks puffing up. Just before she moved herself and her precious daughter back, this llama hocked up a spit-wad and launched it directly into Ms. Norah's beautiful little face! J & D were shocked. Norah was positively terrified, and the llama marched away victorious. Llama=1. Webers=0.

Not to be deterred from the prospect of sweet revenge, the Webers returned to Windmill farms a couple of weeks ago. Only this time, we returned a year older, wiser, and MUCH MORE MOBILE!

As it turns out, Norah didn't even get a chance to dodge llama loogies as the offensive creature was more interested in laying down in its pen, and Norah was more interested in all of the wooden trains, castles, and tractors that she was exploring.

No. That llama may not have gotten its comeuppance this year, but Norah is working on her bobbing and weaving, and will be READY, when the time comes, for round 2!

Ding. Ding.

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